D.Z. Switzerland
The Secret Doctrine of the Gaon of VilnaI started reading and studying your new book [The Secret Doctrine of the Gaon of Vilna]. Not only is difficult to stop reading it, but honestly I experience the same feeling of awe that comes from reading the works by the Ramchal [R’ Moshe Chayim Luzzato]. Chazak u’Baruch!
City of LuzDear Mr Bakst,
I am writing to thank you for a wonderful web site. I am a 53 year old homemaker who recently discovered your teachings. I must admit I strain to understand what I’m reading, however, what I do comprehend is so wonderful! Your “City of Luz” site brings so much joy and light into my life. I have read Torah and Tanakh at least 5x’s in my life and now am able to understand what I’ve been missing all these years. I suppose it would help if I spoke Hebrew, but since I do not your writings are so very meaningful to me. Though I was born of a Jewish mother I was not raised in a religious home I have always wanted to understand the ways of G-d, and your teachings help me with that. My quest began at 21 years of age and now here I am engrossed in your writing. I look forward to reading everyday again. I want to thank you for your devotion and hard work!
Shalom and May Hashem continue to bless you!
Rabbi A.
Sha'ashua formulaWow love that Sha’ashua formula, makes for great thinking about the mind of G-d.
I am so blessed to have studied so many of your wonderful classes over the years. It all started with Virtual Yeshivah. It makes a big difference knowing the keys to decode. Having a clearer understanding of the dance of Hasadim and Gevurot, Sha’ashua and Leviathan makes a big difference in my comprehension.
Joel's WritingsNo need to reply—this is just a thank you for your site—(from the “near Antarctic” South Pacific). I have found so much wonderful material in your writings.
Thank you,
S. P.
Secret Doctrine ClassHi Rabbi,
I have been reading the text and following the Secret Doctrine class for the past few weeks. I’m really enjoying it. The whole thing seems to click with me. I have started to include the techniques from class into my daily meditation. The tubular model you described yesterday is great. Using it, I can see how to visualize the inversion of the screen back into the pineal projector.
Many thanks. S. P.